I am getting more and more anxious for this pregnancy to be over. I posted today that I miss so many things. My long list would include mostly food items I have been deprived of like prosciutto, sushi, hot dogs, runny eggs, coffee, alcohol, stinky French cheeses - pretty much all of my favorite things. But other than the food issues, I am also tired of getting bigger and bigger.

I have gained more weight than I expected. I dread weigh-ins at the doctor's office and I can't stand getting my picture taken. After 35 weeks, even my face has started to show the weight gain. Sigh. The good part will be that I have a strong impetus to put it all off. It took my impending wedding in 2009 to really force me to work out 4 or 5 days a week. Now that we have a treadmill, I think it will make it easier to sneak away, hopefully little guy will nap sometimes, and jump on there for a bit. I look back at old pictures that I used to look at and say "oh I look so fat" and laugh. Now I feel like I looked like a waif!
Most of all I just want to see what he looks like and finally get to hold this little guy. Will he be a cute little B, with brown hair and brown eyes, or more like me, with blue eyes and freckles? Next Friday is my due date and I keep trying to make deals with him to come earlier. I had hoped I wouldn't be back at work at all this week, but it doesn't look like that is happening. My mom will be in town this weekend, so it would be perfect if he decided to make his way into the world then. I hope my next post is just pictures of him. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
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