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Well, I got my LSAT score the other day! Not so hot...I thought I could have done a lot better. Either way I am glad I took it. For just studying out of the books and taking practice tests, it was okay. But if I truly wanted to go to law school, particularly UNC, that score was not gonna hack it.
Ah well, at least I did it. I remember taking the SATs three times to get the best possible score on verbal and math to put together. That was no fun either. I don't think it will be possible for me to swing law school, a child and put my family in further debt for a somewhat risky return.
And in other news: Obama! Obama!
I was on the edge of my seat Tuesday night. I did not look at Facebook at all until after they started calling Ohio.
In all honestly, I wouldn't have minded moderate Mitt. But moderate Mitt may have been a fantasy. He had so many also-rans like John Sununu and, I believe, John Bolton advising him that he would have been been a puppet of the radical right. Why can't we at least learn from these elections that most people want a moderate.
Whether it was GWB's "compassionate conservatism" or truly Obama's conservative leanings, a moderate is always popular. Romney would have been more favorable in my opinion if he just disavowed the abortion, gay, and immigration fear mongering. Focus on the economy, don't pander to the far out Christian conservatives and he would have done much better.
The best that I have heard though, is how all the conservatives are complaining about B's attack ads. Okay - the "Willie Horton" ads in the 80s destroyed the Democrat at the time and the "swiftboating" of John Kerry were all hatched by Republicans. You've got to be kidding me. For once Democrats fight back and they win and their opponents are saying whhhaaa attack ads... whaaaaa.
Oh well, what can you do. It's all over and Fox News will have another 4 years to whine about it. Have at it! I had 8 years to complain about Bush... and I had a lot more to complain about. A horrible economy, no job growth, a housing nightmare and more tax cuts to wealthy people that don't "create jobs." When you have a booming economy, people clamoring for things and more people needed to work to make those things, that's when jobs are created.
So here's to the next four year. As the mess has almost been been cleaned up, let's see some runaway success for the US. We have a lot of catching up to do.
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