18 Eylül 2012 Salı

Saturday In The Park

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Moses Cone Park – 6/13/12 – 14 Miles
My friend Mike, whose hiking resume is extensive (I have yetto name a place in the U.S. that he has not hiked), posted on the Bergs websitea last-minute Saturday hike at Moses H. Cone Memorial Park (aka “Moses Cone”) locatedon the Blue Ridge Parkway near Blowing Rock, in the part of North Carolinaknown as the High Country.  Why?  To expose some of the newer Berg members tothis beautiful resource and meet some new folks.  What a great idea!  I think I’ll tag along.
Even on short notice we had a group of 8, everyone new to meexcept Mike (on the left).
Brief background on Moses Cone Park:  It was the summer residence of Moses Cone, verysuccessful in the textile industry in North Carolina and known as the “DenimKing.”  Mr. Cone died after just a fewyears of enjoying his mountain home, called Flat Top Manor after a mountain onthe property.  Many years later, havingno children, his widow, Bertha, bequeathed the entire estate to build ahospital in Greensboro, NC, and the estate later gave the property and home tothe Parkway.  The manor house is now theParkway Craft Center.  The 25 miles of trailsat Moses Cone Park are all widegraveled carriage roads meandering throughout the estate.  Read more in Danny Bernstein’s book, Hiking North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Heritage.
We parked near Bass Lake at the lower end of the park andMike revealed his hike plan for the day…which was a rough outline to modify aswe went along, covering about 8-9 miles. A bit unusual for a group hike, but Moses Cone is more of a strollthrough a park than a hike through the forest. Mike likes to “lead from behind” and he instructed everyone to go at acomfortable pace and wait at every intersection for the group to reassemble.  
A spectacular summer day walking around Bass Lake
Bass Lake
Water lily
Bass Lake

Past the lake we turned onto the trail section called theMaze, where the path slopes very gently upward in long switchbacks turning aroundon itself.  On the map it looks like arope tied in an intricate knot.  Theresult is gaining elevation without really trying.  At the Apple Barn we turned right onto BlackBottom Road, then soon turned left onto Watkin Road and continued the gradualclimb towards the Parkway.  (This sectionis also part of my old friend, the Mountains-To-Sea Trail.) 
Emerging rhododendron bloom
More rhodies
Bumpy moss carpeting on a tree trunk
Watkin Road runs into Deer Park Road, which continues to themanor house, along the way passing near a building that now housesrestrooms.  Horseback riding is allowedon all the trails in Moses Cone Park – but you must provide your ownhorse.  On this particular Saturday therewere lots… and lots…and lots of horses. 
Lunch break in front of Flat Top Manor
John and Mike at lunch
Consulting the map and the clock, the group decided todeviate from the original plan back to the parking area.  The new destination lay in the oppositedirection:  the Cone cemetery where Mosesand Bertha are buried.  We followed FlatTop Trail underneath the Blue Ridge Parkway and climbed up along the edge of openpasture land still hosting curious cows. 
At the turnoff to the cemetery we found that we were nolonger interested in gravesites but felt ambitious to hike another two miles tothe Flat Top lookout tower, originally a wooden structure built on the highestpoint of the Cone property for the enjoyment of their guests.  (A steel structure replaced it in 1954).  We walked through more open fields beforeslipping back into the woods to ascend Flat Top Mountain.  We met plenty of horses and hikers along theway. 
On top of Flat Top Tower – what clouds?  Funny, I never notice them until I see thepictures.

From the manor house to the lookout tower and back is 5.6miles, still strolling easily, chatting with everyone and enjoying the day. I very much enjoyed my new hiker buddies, comparing notes on various trails both local and out west.  We took the most direct route from the manorhouse to the edge of Bass Lake and completed the loop around thelake.  By now the trails were busy withjoggers, walkers, baby strollers and duck feeders. 
Our total effort for the day came to about 14 miles – a bitof a surprise and more than advertised, but everyone was happy with the group’sflexibility and the inclusion of the lookout tower.  This was a good reminder to me that not everyhike has to be extreme to be rewarding. Some days it’s just fun to walk in the park.

Normalday, let me be aware of the treasure you are.  Let me learn from you, loveyou, bless you before you depart.  Let me not pass you by in quest of somerare and perfect tomorrow.  Let me hold you while I may, for it may notalways be so.  One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury myface in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky andwant, more than all the world, your return.  ~Mary Jean Iron

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