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Black Mountain Crest Trail – Final SB6K Hike – 7-22-12 – 12MilesYes, just two days after I retrieved my car from the Hondadealership (they replaced the ignition cylinder) I was ready to go hikingagain.
And this time it’s a big one:
my final SB6K hike.

The list has been whittled down to just three peaks on theBlack Mountain Crest Trail going north from Mount Mitchell – Mount Craig,Balsam Cone and Potato Hill.
This is anout-and-back hike, so we’ll go over every mountain twice.
I’ve already summited Mt. Mitchell severaltimes and I’ve also tagged the three outer SB6K peaks on a strenuous day about a year ago.
I’ve left this particularhike until last because the views are dramatic and because I wanted Jim toaccompany me.

Typical of summer weather patterns in the NC mountains, itwas sunny at our house and grew increasingly cloudy and drizzly as weapproached the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Ourview of the Black Mountain Crest Trail from the Parkway was not cheerful.
Would we be in the fog all day?

Nothing to do but to do it.
The trail begins from the picnic area below the main parking area, withimpressive trail work and stone steps.

I was thrilled to see these pink turtle- heads.
I didn’t realize they were blooming profusely every- where.

The first mountain to the north is Mount Craig, where thetrail passes through a fragile area and is clearly designated to keep hikers ontrack.

Clouds were fascinating, boiling up and shifting around allday

Summit photo at Mount Craig – notice the whiteout behind me

A plaque in case you didn’t know – I wish every summit hadthese

In between the three SB6K peaks there are othermountains.
The next peak that Jim and Ipassed over was Mount Tom, also with an informative plaque.
“Found the body of” refers to ElishaMitchell, the man for whom Mount Mitchell is named and who fell to his death atnearby Mitchell Falls.
Elisha is buried atthe summit of Mount Mitchell.

Next the trail goes over the top of Balsam Cone’s narrowridge, but the summit is not marked, so I stepped up onto every rock I couldfind to assure that I hit the summit.
Funny,Jim could stand right next to it and not worry about tagging it.
Maybe if there was a bike on top of it…

Michaux saxifrage was also abundant along the trail, hard tophotograph, but I kept trying.
I reallylove the delicate laciness of this flower and its foliage.

Indian pipe, always love to see this.

The Black Crest Trail does not mess around, going straightup and down the peaks with no thought of switchbacks or avoiding obstacles.
Occasional ropes are helpful, especially on avery wet day.

Another mountain between the SB6K’s, Cattail Peak coming upnext.

Don’t look behind you, it’s a little ominous

Cattail Peak has a big sign saying it’s the summit when it’sreally not.
Using my skills gained in myoff-trail seminar with Jeff and his trusty directions that it’s “over thereabout a quarter-mile,” Jim and I bushwhacked and actually found thebenchmark!
I felt as triumphant at thisaccomplishment as I did finishing the whole hike today.

Acting like I know what I’m talking about, pointing out thehigh peak of Balsam Cone.
This photo wastaken from near the summit of Potato Hill.
At this point I had officially completed all of the SB6K peaks!
But I still had to go back over all fivepeaks from today to get to the car.
Since we were here and I might want to someday say I hadhiked all the connecting trails in the Black Mountains, Jim and I scurrieddownhill to Deep Gap, where my Black Mountains hike last summer had passedthrough.

We were rewarded for our effort with these spectacularTurk’s cap lilies

Turk’s caps with butterfly
Deep Gap is a great lunch stop.
As Jim pulled out his sandwich, we heard theunmistakable rumble of thunder.
Chew faster!
We were aware that it would take several hours to go back over all thebumps and the ridge line is not the place to be during a thunderstorm, so wekept a close eye on the sky and were prepared to hunker down and get reallywet.
Something with serious claws was here 
Moving so fast I am just a blur

We got caught in about 15 minutes of light rain, nothing dangerous,and were able to enjoy the rest of the hike back.
A pause for reflection back at Mount Craig.

Pink turtleheads galore!

“The End”
So I’ve touched the summits of 40 peaks above 6,000 feet inthe Southern Appalachian Mountains.
Someof them I will see again, some I am sure will only be revisited in my memoriesand photographs.
It’s a worthy challengethat took me to many places I would not otherwise have ventured, and I feelenriched and humbled by the experience.
“There are days when I question my sanity, but I’ve neverhad a moment in the mountains when I wished I was at home watching football.”~Rick Shortt
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