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Panthertown II with Leida – 1/7/12 – 9 Miles?
It took an entire week into 2012 before I could get to a trailhead, but it was worth the wait. My good friend Leida is ready for new areas to explore and I had just the place for her…after all, after one visit I am an expert on Panthertown Valley.
The weather forecast was sketchy, always a good sign, and although it was chilly the rain held off for most of the day. The web of trails in Panthertown is complicated, so rather than give you the turn-by-turn route and trail names, let’s just look at some pictures.
Got to get across here to see Schoolhouse Falls. Gee, it looks cold.
Leida crossing the icy log because Sharon said, “Oh, it’s fine.”
School- house Falls, a different season
This icy puddle looks like a topo map, doesn’t it?
The small trail to Warden Falls that we used last time was covered with thick ice, so we looked for an alternate scramble. I’m sure it’s around here somewhere.
Apparently Leida will follow me just about anywhere
Chillin’ Warden Falls – a lot more water (and ice) than in November
What goes down must come back up
The map says to look for a steep, faint, unnamed footpath
Yes, I’m sure this is it
We worked very hard to get up this trail, built up some heat and had to strip down to shirt sleeves. Leida says, don't make me!
Let’s go!
At the top of Little Green Mountain, the view across the valley to Goldspring Ridge (different viewpoint than November)
Log lichen looks like… butterflies
While crossing a pretty creek on the way out, we spotted these incredible icicles
And that’s the story of Leida and Sharon going to Panthertown. A little rain in the last mile did not dampen our having a marvelous time. Y’all come back now, y’hear?
You need special shoes for hiking - and a bit of a special soul as well. ~Terri Guillemets
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