19 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

Awesome website for 'post-Irene' imaging

Check out this picture courtesy of USGS, taken after Irene on Wednesday 8-31-11.. Our friends at OBX Connections found this (thanks "twcmaster"): http://coastal.er.usgs.gov/hurricanes/irene/post-storm-photos/irene_photo.html

These are 3mb files that offer excellent resolution, just click on the orange dots up and down the coastline to view your neighborhood of interest! Our place "Stone's Throw" is almost in the middle of the picture, the square house with our silver truck in the driveway. For those unaware, if you're thinking about the obx for next year's vacation please check our mgmt company's website for both up and downstairs' units: http://www.hatterasvacations.com/

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