Graybeard Mountain – Montreat – 2/25/12 – Felt Like 8 Miles
Each year in late February my church, Avondale Presbyterian,offers a women’s retreat in Montreat, NC, the small community next to BlackMountain whose most famous citizen is Billy Graham. We take over William Black Lodge, sharemeals, laughs, a guest speaker for the weekend, maybe some games,and experience a renewing of relationships and an injection of faith into thesoul. On Saturday afternoons some of thewomen go into Black Mountain for lunch and shopping, and some go hiking up toLookout Mountain, a lovely scenic spot that isn’t too far in distance but takessome work to get to. I’ve been toLookout a few times so I like to go off exploring the other trails aroundMontreat.
This year I advertised a strenuous hike, and perhaps Ididn’t sell it well because I only got one taker, our associate pastor,Jane. In years past Jane had done a lotof hiking and backpacking, but work duties and life have not allowed room forsuch things in recent years. So…what’sit like to spend the afternoon with your pastor? A gift.
We scavenged food from the snack table and walked downAssembly Drive (aka Graybeard Trail), talking 90 miles an hour, and walked pastthe trailhead sign. We ended up insomeone’s driveway and turned around. Story of my life – lost before I start. In my defense, the roads at Montreat are small and winding, kinda liketrails…
I was delighted to find that Jane is a good person to hikewith. She has an extensive knowledge ofplants, identifying emerging foliage, and appreciated stopping to ponder thelittle things near the ground and overhead. We were both ready for some nature time and didn’t solve any bigtheological questions…or did we? Moreand more I think that just leaving the questions behind and getting outside inGod’s world really is the answer.
The walk down was quicker, of course, and we made it back tothe William Black Lodge in time for a quick shower and a hot meal. But, come on, line dancing after dinner? Well, if you insist...
I love to think of nature as anunlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, ifwe will only tune in. ~George Washington Carver
God writes the gospel not in the Biblealone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. ~Martin Luther
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